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Certification: CCNP Service Provider
Certification Full Name: Cisco Certified Network Professional Service Provider
Certification Provider: Cisco
CCNP Service Provider Certification Exams
300-510 - Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions (SPRI) Exam
300-515 - Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Services (SPVI) Exam
300-535 - Automating Cisco Service Provider Solutions (SPAUTO) Exam
350-501 - Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies (SPCOR) Exam
Certification Prerequisites
- CCIE Collaboration
- OR
- CCIE Data Center
- OR
- CCIE Routing and Switching
- OR
- CCIE Security
- OR
- CCIE Service Provider
- OR
- CCIE Service Provider Operations
- OR
- CCIE Voice
- OR
- CCIE Wireless
- OR
- CCNA Routing and Switching (plus have passed minimum of 1 exam from the list: BGP, QOS, MPLS, BGP+MPLS, BSCI,ROUTE)
- OR
- CCNA Service Provider
CCNP Service Provider Certification Info
Certification Introduction
CCNP service provider certification provides a professional level boost in service provider administration abilities. It is designed to train service provider network engineers and system engineers and specialists. The certification focuses on the abilities of designing a scalable service provider infrastructure with enhanced services and meeting the customer requirements.
Related Exams
Since Cisco Certified Design Professional certification exam is a professional level exam to provide expertise to manage large data center networks. There are other related professional exams available by Cisco for the candidates which are given below.
- CCNP routing and switching, a professional level exam to enhance candidate’s professional expertise routing and switching domain of large scale networks.
- CCNP Collaboration, a professional level exam to verify candidate’s skills in the field of Audio/Video Collaboration Systems.
- CCNP Security, A professional level certification to cater the current security threats using Cisco provided solutions and security products.
- CCNP Data Center, A professional level certification to train IT experts to design and mange large scale Data Center networks.
Certification Objectives
The CCNP service provider certification is aimed to train network professionals in service provider domain to configure, manage and troubleshoot a large scalable IP routing in a service provider network. CCNP Service Provider provides a job role focused training in Cisco Service Provider network solutions and platforms.
Certification Format
The CCNP Service Provider certification exam comprises of four subsequent exams mentioned below:
- The first exam is based on the course of deployment of Cisco Service Provider Network Routing course. It is a 90 minutes exam and is aimed to test the configuration, verification and troubleshooting abilities of the candidate using Cisco Operating Systems e.g. Cisco IOS, Cisco IOS XE, Cisco IOS XR etc. Candidate is also tested for the knowledge of IPv4 and IPv6 IS-IS configuration and high availability routing facility for a service provider network.
- The 2nd exam is based on the course of deployment of advanced Cisco Service Provider Routing. It is a 90 minutes exam and it tests the candidate abilities to configure IPv4 and IPv6 BGP configuration. It also covers the IPv6 transition mechanisms and IP multicasting concepts for a service provider network. It includes Cisco Operating Systems e.g. IOS, IOS XE and IOS XR etc.
- The 3rd exam comprises the course of implementation of Cisco SP next generation core network services. This exam validates candidate’s knowledge in the fields of MPLS and MPLS TE services, Quality of Service concepts using MPLS technology for implementation of advanced functions and features in a Service Provider network.
- The 4th exam covers the course of implementation of Cisco SP next generation Edge network services. It verifies the candidate knowledge in configuring layer 2 and layer 3 VPNs, Service Provider Virtual Private Network Solutions.
Certification Information
Re Certification
CCNP Service Provide is valid for three years. Candidate can recertify in this period to extend the certification expiry. For recertification candidate has to clear one of the following exam during recertification period.
- Clear any up to date professional (642-XXX) or any professional level (300-XXX) exam.
- Clear any recent CCIE exam
- Clear any recent CCDE written or lab exam
- Clear any Cisco certified Architect exam or CCAr board for extension of lower certifications.
Passing a higher level certification exam automatically extends lower certifications expiration dates.
Pre requisite
The pre requisite certifications for CCNP Service Provider exam are given below:
- Any current or valid CCNA Service Provider certification.
- Any current or valid CCNA Network Routing and Switching additionally any one CCIP exam passed.
- Any Current or valid CCIP certification exam.
- Any current or valid Cisco CCIE certification.
Skills and Benefits
CCNP service provider is an important certification that assures bright future with high salary level in Service Provider networks domain. CCNP SP is a vital verification of the professional expertise and excellence of the certification holder in Service Provider network field. After clearing the CCNP SP candidate is able to design, configure and maintain a scalable service provider network using the Cisco Next generation Infrastructure.
What’s next?
CCNP Service Provider is a professional level certification in service provision domain. After scoring the CCNP certification candidate can pursue to expert level certification in Service Provider field mentioned below:
- CCIE Service Provider, an expert level certification for the network Service Provider professionals to enhance their abilities to manage extensible Service Provider networks and provide customer services.
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