Reliable & Actual Study Materials for MO-100 Exam Success

Exam Code: MO-100

Exam Name: Microsoft Word (Word and Word 2019)

Certification Provider: Microsoft

Corresponding Certifications: MOS: Associate (Office 365 and Office 2019), MOS: Word Associate (Word and Word 2019)


MO-100 Study Guide

Developed by industry experts, this 296 PDF Pages guide spells out in painstaking detail all of the information you need to pass Microsoft MO-100 exam the first time.

  • 296 PDF Pages with questions from actual MO-100 exam
  • Accurate Answers Verified by the Leading Microsoft Certification Experts
  • Instructor Led Feedback System for sending your questions to our Microsoft experts
  • 90 Days Free Updates for immediate update of actual Microsoft MO-100 exam changes
Was: 32.99 USD
Now: 29.99 USD

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your testing engine work?

The moment you download and install Prep4sure Testing Engine on your computer, it allows you to take practice tests by fully simulating interactive exam environment. You can also use Virtual Exam option, where you take your exam with time limit. Such interactive Questions & Answers format has been proven to be the best way to learn, especially since Prep4sure materials contain actual exam questions.

When I can download my product after purchase?

All your products will become available for downloading right away after purchase from your Member's Area. As soon as the payment is finished, you will be transferred to Member's Area. You can login there and download all the purchased products.

How long will my product be valid?

From the date you purchase our product, it remains valid up to 90 days. Once the duration of 90 days is over, your product will not remain accessible and will require renewal.

How can I renew my product when it gets expired?

When the 90 days of your product validity are over, you can renew this expired product with a 30% discount. You can do this from your Member's Area. Please note that your product will become unavailable it has expired if you don't renew it.

How often are your materials updated?

On a daily basis. The moment the certification vendor updates their exam, Prep4sure product also gets updated.

Do you provide free updates?

Yes we do, whenever any change is occurs in the actual exam, it will be implemented in the Testing Engine. Your software will sync with our server to update itself when you start your session.

How many computers I can download Prep4sure materials on?

You can download your purchases on up to 2 (two) computers. If you need to use the software on more than 2 (two) machines, you can choose this option during the checkout process. Please contact us if you need to use the software on more than 5 (five) machines.

What are the system requirements to run your software?

The Minimum System Requirements are as follows:

  • Windows 2000 or newer operating system
  • Java Version 8 or newer
  • 900 MHz processor
  • 512 MB Ram
  • 30 MB available hard disk typical (products may vary)

What is a PDF version?

The PDF version is simply a portable document copy of your Prep4sure software purchase. This is a world standart .pdf file which contains all questions and answers and can be read by official Acrobat by Adobe or any other free reader application.

Can I purchase only the PDF version? (without the software)

PDF version cannot be purchased separately. It is only available as an add-on to our main Questions & Answers product.

What operating systems are supported by your Testing Engine software?

Our testing engine is supported by Windows. Andriod and IOS software is currently under development.

I don't have a Credit Card. Is there any other way I can pay for my Prep4sure purchase?

Yes, there is. Please contact us on for further details.

I am purchasing for my Company Staff Training. Do you have any corporate offers?

Yes, we do. You can use our License Program or contact our Sales Team on

Download Free Microsoft MO-100 Testing Engine Demo

Experience Prep4sure Microsoft MO-100 exam Q&A testing engine for yourself.

Simply submit your e-mail address below to get started with our interactive software demo of your Microsoft MO-100 exam.

  • Customizable, interactive testing engine
  • Simulates actual exam environment
  • Instant download

Please provide a correct email address to download demo!

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You will use this to log in to your account
*Our demo shows only a few questions from Microsoft MO-100 exam for evaluating purposes