FL Teacher Certification Examinations - FTCE

FTCE includes 47 exams: 4 General Knowledge sub-tests, one Professional Education exam, and 42 Subject Area exams. Get real FTCE questions.

FTCE: Certification Information Essential To Passing

Florida Teacher Certification Examinations, or FTCE, are a set of examinations used to determine the aptitude and teaching ability of individuals wishing to work in the Florida educational system. Tests are administered several times a year and are divided between general knowledge, grade levels, and secondary educational ratings. FTCE study guides are available in various locations to help candidates prepare for the FTCE exam they plan on taking, and test preparation is not extremely difficult for qualified teachers. What will be found on the test, and what expected scores will achieve a passing status?

Anyone who wishes to take the exams can rest assured that the exam fees are not hefty; candidates pay $25 per exam, and a single $100 administration fee for supplemental administrations. Tests are administered five times a year regularly, with an additional four supplemental administrations. Deadlines for registration are typically seven to eight weeks in advance of the test date (late registration deadlines are due one month prior to the test date). For supplemental administrations, deadlines are approximately two weeks prior to the test date. All fees are due no later than 15 days prior to the day of the test.

Depending on the FTCE test that is to be taken, various percentages of correct answers are required for passing. These range from a 58% (in tests such as Earth/Space Science for sixth through twelfth grades) to 76% (for Industrial Arts and Technical Education for sixth through twelfth grades). There are 40 different test to choose among, including ESOL for all grade levels, Humanities for all grade levels, and Computer Science for all grade levels. There are even tests for professional education. The FTCE "PEd" test is geared to qualify teachers to impart skills beyond high school education as continuing education geared toward technical and professional skills. These individuals will be certified to teach state-sponsored programs that offer undergraduate degrees (Associate's degrees and even Bachelor's degrees) for career-geared applications.

FTCE test results are affected by the makeup of each individual test, including the weight of each part of the test. For example, the English 6-12 exam is based on multiple choice questions (worth 70%) and essay questions (30%), whereas the French K-12 exam is divided into speaking (40%), multiple choice (50%), and writing (10%). Some exams also require an interview process to be completed as part of the score, and others receive a scaled score.

While the tests are not incredibly difficult for educators aspiring to receive certification to teach in Florida for specific subjects, taking an FTCE online practice test that resembles the appropriate actual test could help a candidate determine his or her real chance of passing. This will help identify areas that need to be strengthened and can be used as an FTCE study guide upon completing the evaluation. An FTCE sample test can be found in several locations on the internet, allowing potential Florida teachers to access both free and paid assistance in their search for study materials.

Especially for the FTCE PEd, study guide materials are recommended. Much like advancing through the public school system in Florida, where higher levels of education become increasingly more difficult, so do progressively more advanced teaching positions and their qualifications. As the highest level of teaching certified through the FTCE, the PEd exam can be quite difficult, and study guides can come in quite handy to review various principles, applications, and topics that will be greatly scrutinized on the exam. Note that the major difference between elementary education and upper level education is that, in testing for elementary level FTCE exams, a candidate is expected to know a reasonable amount of general knowledge in all subject matter. However, for secondary coursework, teachers will need to have detailed knowledge of specific subjects of interest.

Free FTCE test prep is available from many sources, including training classes and seminars prepared with test taking in mind. Most seminars will include a free FTCE study guide with general information on the tests, the formatting of each, the expectations for passing on each separate exam, and sample questions for the various exams that can be taken. For a more detailed information on a particular test, online resources are the most viable option, as sample questions and other information can often be downloaded for free.

Because many of the FTCE exams require a written portion, it is essential for candidates to be familiar with FTCE essay topics of the past. Looking through previous and sample essay questions, sample answers, and corrections to some answers will help individuals develop a feel for what to expect from an essay question, as well as what testers are looking for in an essay. It may be wise to practice forming answers to some of the sample essay topics during an allotted time period to familiarize oneself with how to organize an answer session. If handled properly, time allows for the formation of a topic, an outline, and a single draft that requires little editing.

The Florida Board of Education created the FTCE with the students of the state in mind. Without regulations and assessments to guard against unqualified individuals standing in front of classrooms trying to impart knowledge they themselves do not fully comprehend, the Florida school system would be complete chaos. Most states have certification requirements, and many are just as rigorous and strict as the FTCE requirements. In protecting the education of children for whom the state is responsible, Florida is by no means alone in this juncture.

Still, for individuals who have the necessary degrees and qualifications to teach, the FTCE is not a difficult set of exams to pass, especially with the use of study materials for the particular area of testing.

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