Marriage and Family Therapy - MFT Test

Passing MFT exam is a must for marriage and family therapists. It covers psychology, family therapy, couples therapy, behavioral psychology.

The MFT And You

In order to be a Marriage and Family Therapy administrator (MFT), an individual must pass an exam and receive licensure. The MFT National Exam is administered to assess the knowledge of MFT candidates, look for experience, and judge the overall abilities of aspiring therapists as counselors. The MFT exam is offered three times a year in 4-week blocks and can be taken at a number of testing centers throughout the country. It is recommended, however, that candidates prepare for the examination prior to registration, as it is quite rigorous and difficult. Where can aspiring licensees find the assistance they need to prepare for the exam, and what can be expected of such a test?

In preparing for the MFT exam, many individuals will access various study tools, including practice exams that are available online. These practice tests will emulate the real certification exam and are designed to help assess the level of a potential candidate's knowledge and experience in marriage and family therapy, expose the individual to the various types of questions that are included in the exam, determine if the experience and education held by the candidate are the right kind to prepare for a career as a marriage and family therapist, and to gain practical experience in using the type of system with which the test will be administered (some people are not familiar with the computerized application).

Taking the practice exam is a great transition for those who have achieved an online MFT degree in preparing for the MFT exam. Online MFT degrees are a beginning on the road to accreditation but is inefficient in achieving certification. Taking the MFT exam is a requirement to achieve that certificate, and seeking out practice exams and MFT MBA sample questions is a great way to begin the journey to the MFT exam. Enrolling to take a practice exam will allow candidates to assess how effective their schooling has been in preparing them for the examination, as well as acting as a study guide upon completion. Many websites will offer not only correct answers after completion of the exam but also explanations as to why the answer is correct and others are not.

Some administrators of practice exams for MFT will allow candidates to pay for and take the practice exam as many times as they like, but the downside to this is that the questions chosen will be the same every time the test is administered. Instead, it is often better to simply look for free study guides, free practice exams, and sample questions on sites that create programs and materials that are offered free of charge and simulate the environment that will be present in the testing location.

In the past, the MFT exam has been administered by pencil and paper, but modern technology has improved testing ability so that the exam has been migrated to the computer. The test is offered during a 28-day (four week) window at certain times during the year (usually three occasions) in various locations through independent testing administrations. Before signing up for the exam, it is recommended that MFT exam candidates contact the state boards concerning the application that must be completed and the eligibility requirements according to the state. In some instances, the state board must approve the applicant's ability to sit for the exam, at which point payment instruction will be provided by the board.

An additional application will be required for the PES (Professional Examination Service), and an examination fee of $220 is required to sit for the exam administration. Upon completion of these steps, an ID number will be designated to the applicant, and the candidate will be required to pay an additional site fee of $75 upon arrival at his or her testing location. Testing results are received by the state board offices four weeks after the closing of the testing window.

If a candidate is looking at becoming an employee or certified member of a particular organization, this individual may be able to obtain endorsement from the company or association, with a grant to pay for training courses as well as the test administration itself. In accepting such assistance, the individual preparing to take the test will definitely want to be in a position of assurance that the test will be passed on the initial administration to avoid embarrassment, as well as a misuse of the funding. Should the candidate fail, he or she cannot expect to receive further endorsement of this kind.

The MFT exam is not a difficult test, compared to many similarly administered examinations. While more detail oriented than the general NCE (National Counselor Examination), it is still a basic certification course upon which therapists can build. One of the main differences between the two examinations is the subject matter. While the NCE is geared toward general knowledge in the field of counseling and doesn't target any specific specialty, the MFT exam is set up specifically to test a counselor's ability to provide therapy for married couples experiencing difficulties and families who are in need of outside assistance. There is no such concentration for the NCE, although taking the NCE can be a great stepping stone in preparing for the MFT, since it tests general knowledge of professionalism.

The Marriage and Family Therapy exam is definitely an important step to obtaining certification as a licensed therapist, and it is necessary to use every study tool available to be certain that a candidate passes the test on the first try. Applicable information can be found through family therapy centers, as well as on the internet, including information on testing dates and locations. The thought of failure should never hinder an individual from taking the opportunity but in fact just push that candidate harder to study and reaffirm the ability to do well.

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