Pass AEPA - Practice Exams For AEPA Series

Pass AEPA exams to become a certified educator in Arizona: English, history, health, math, sciences, art, social studies, and other AEPA tests.

Preparations For The AEPA

If you intend to work in Arizona as a teacher, there are certain qualifications you must meet, including the passing of Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments, or AEPA testing. Currently, these are the only examinations that satisfy the testing requirements for either teachers or administrators to receive certificates in the state. What is involved in an AEPA test, and how can an individual find assistance in preparing for such an examination?

The APEA tests are assessment tests to verify that a teacher is qualified to impart knowledge to others in the grade level and subject of choice. It is imperative that a teacher or administrator has a solid foundational knowledge of any subject matter he or she plans to teach and is able to comprehend various concepts within that topic that are necessary to relate to children of a certain age level. Tests are divided into grade levels, professional knowledge, and subject knowledge. Beyond grade level teaching, certifications for administration can also be obtained.

Education levels for the AEPA are as follows: early childhood, elementary (kindergarten through eighth grade), secondary, (seventh through twelfth grades), special education at the elementary level, and career and technical education. Administrator certification can qualify individuals for positions as principals, supervisors, or superintendents.

In order to teach children in preschool, an individual must pass both the early childhood professional knowledge test and the early childhood education subject knowledge test. This assures that the teacher is versed in all subjects, since preschool classrooms are not divided by subject specialty, and all teachers must participate in imparting knowledge of all subject matter. For grades K-8, candidates for the AEPA must complete the elementary professional knowledge test and the elementary education subject knowledge test. Again, all subject matter is assessed to assure that a teacher can function in any classroom environment.

For certification and endorsement in secondary education, the requirements are similar but more complex. While the candidate must achieve a passing score of the secondary professional knowledge test, the subject matter exams are divided into various topics based on what the applicant wishes to teach. In order to teach any subject, the candidate must pass the required subject knowledge test on for that category. Multiple tests may be taken to certify a teacher is several subject matters. This is the same configuration for the special education certification. In order to teach career and technical education courses, no subject matter tests are required, administration level certification requires only the appropriate administrator test (superintendent, principal, or supervisor).

Scoring of the AEPA is scaled on a range of 100 to 300, with 240 being a minimum passing score. This score is based on the performance on all sections of the test, and scores are reported simply as "pass" or "fail". Should an individual fail a test, a retake can be administered simply by reregistering and making payment anew.

To avoid failing the test, one can make use of AEPA study guides that can either be purchased or sometimes downloaded for free on the internet. These study guides will be subject matter appropriate and will cover all information necessary to complete a single exam successfully. An AEPA study guide will be configured in an easy to follow manner and is geared specifically toward AEPA test prep, meaning that users will find sample questions in the same format as on the test and on similar subject matter. Some study guides even license the use of real test questions from older versions of the test, though these are usually not available free of charge.

Because it is one of the most rigorous portions of the secondary level certification subject exam, chemistry is definitely a subject for which candidates should acquire at lease one AEPA study guide. Chemistry covers a wide range of in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, and this is one of the most commonly failed tests in the AEPA catalog. Even if a candidate feels completely confident in his or her knowledge of a particular subject matter, study guides are prepared with the exams in mind, meaning that it is like taking a sample test prior to paying the registration fee for the real thing. There is no better practice method to reaffirm levels of confidence in testing abilities.

Subject testing for upper level certification comes in a wide range, and there is a long list of available topics for which teachers can be certified. English, Health, History, Biology, Chemistry, Art, Geography, Mathematics, Music, Political Science/American Government, and Business are just a few categories that can be chosen for teaching certification in Arizona. Foreign language study certifications include Spanish, French, and German. In fact, aspiring teachers can even be certified in Library and Educational Media skills.

The AEPA website offers detailed study guides and practice questions for every topic that can be tested and certified, including the professional knowledge exams, the administrative exams, and the special education certification exams. Published test dates can also be found on the website, as well as score release and mailing dates. Scores will be reported directly to the Arizona Department of Education and added to a candidate's application for certification. Testers can see unofficial scores posted on the website at 7:00pm EST on the score release dates to get an idea of their performance. These will be available online for approximately two weeks.

Careful preparation for any AEPA exam can lead to success, since applicants have already attended college and should be well versed in most subject matters. Study guides and AEPA sample test materials can further evaluate the need for additional education prior to registering for the exam and will help to prepare all AEPA candidates for a better overall performance on the test.

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